
Showing posts from September, 2019

casa y hierba

This is weeks, months late. I have been home, my first and deep home, and left again in the time it took me to make this last post. I blamed the internet, the video wouldn't load, I was working, the glory of Vermont in the summer took me away from work, what else did I come up with. I think really, it was hard to close the experience up in one post. To put it to bed, this is the last post everyone its over in a nice, neat package. No, of course it was messy, it was painful and strikingly marvelous, Vermont is special and melds with my soul in a seamless jigsaw and breaking away to go back to school is never easy; like separating two strong magnets. It's hard to summarize and conclude six months of living. We just keep living, so this life didn't end when I left. I am going to continue my practice, and continue uploading movement and words. It is my meditation in a sense. Chile is a special place, it is a hard place, all places are both. I found new parts of myself, I le...