Red Overalls

In my improvisation class last year with Professor Shaina Cantino, we dove into the concept of habitual movement for a while, and I became fascinated with how my body came back to certain movements again and again. Now during these COVID days, I return to my habits and find comfort in them. For an advanced rep class project, we filmed short little dances, and I decided to compile all my explorations into this video. I love how my body slides into a lunge with ease, relying on my two legs stretched out in two directions to balance me and keep me centered. The way my arms follow similar dives and swirls, tracking their well-trodden pathways in the sky. I love the moments when I allow myself to relish in these patterns, rather than search always for the new, the unique, the un-danced. Sometimes the greatest wisdom is found in those moments that my body returns to again and again. I wonder why. A mark of my pedestrian life? A innate whisper, left over from a womb dance? Or just the most common occurrence in a lifetime of reiterative movement?

This is set to the music from the soundtrack for Amelie, by Yann Tiersen. I found combining this music with my dances to be a beautiful process of unexpected partnership.

Thank you to Ty Gagliardone for his trusted videography! 

Unfortunately, Youtube has denied my video due to copyright claims over the music, so I am including this link to watch the video on google photos! Just click the link and enjoy!

Here's the link again! 


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