Reverence to the Feeling of Baikal

On Earth Day 2020, I am honoring an amazing dancer and a close friend, Kitrea Takata-Glushkoff. This is her dancing on the frozen Lake Baikal in Russia, the world's oldest, deepest lake. Her movement and this sacred space embody the grace, vulnerability, and gratitude my dancing journey has been touched and inspired by. I am so excited to honor the earth and all its waters today with her dancing.

Kitrea's words:

Baikal’s sound is a feeling.
a feeling – in the soul of every being whose lifecycle she has nurtured, since her own birth 30 million years ago.
a feeling - physical - as I lay my back against hers, and share in her movements – her ice shell plates rifting and subducting and colliding into one another.
Baikal awakens. She slurps and scrushes and crunches. I dance to her life. her life of feeling. her feeling of sound. I sculpt her through dance. She paints the melody. I move in reverence.
She rests- a never-ending pearly smooth plain. I rest, and inhale her spirit in reverence.


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