Frida Kahlo one-woman masterpiece dinner theater
I've been in Chile for 11 days and have learned so much already. Patience and gratitude have been my guiding words; moving somewhere new is complicated! The people I have met and am living with have taken me in with grace and love, and also I miss my home family wildly. All these feelings coexist and I am learning (always) to sit with them and allow them to flow as needed. Valparaiso is beautiful and radical. I look forward to starting classes next week!
begin freewrite.
Pebbles--cobblestone ground wobbly dancing, but the colors of the marvelous art painting the streets and the fresh night add to the wobble with delight. Wobbly but delightful just like the transition to a new place, the process of rooting in but not totally rooted yet. Art on walls, it tells such fascinating stories of love and political allegiance and contentions with intergenerational trauma from the dictatorship and US-sponsored state repression. Repression that still exists at the pacifist women's march where students got sprayed with fire hoses. So much creative, diverse living and breathing radical love. You can feel it when you walk around the cerros and enter the shops with prints of feminist resistance. At the march, the collective heartbeat of the global feminist struggle. At the Frida Kahlo one-woman masterpiece dinner theater. This was why I had to dance that night.
begin freewrite.
Pebbles--cobblestone ground wobbly dancing, but the colors of the marvelous art painting the streets and the fresh night add to the wobble with delight. Wobbly but delightful just like the transition to a new place, the process of rooting in but not totally rooted yet. Art on walls, it tells such fascinating stories of love and political allegiance and contentions with intergenerational trauma from the dictatorship and US-sponsored state repression. Repression that still exists at the pacifist women's march where students got sprayed with fire hoses. So much creative, diverse living and breathing radical love. You can feel it when you walk around the cerros and enter the shops with prints of feminist resistance. At the march, the collective heartbeat of the global feminist struggle. At the Frida Kahlo one-woman masterpiece dinner theater. This was why I had to dance that night.
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