Honoring Earth Day

Today I honor the earth with a dance I did under this incredible birch tree. From the moment I began dancing, it was intertwined with a deep love and reverence for the natural sanctuary of Vermont's woods and waters. I learned to dance and move and live as a human from the land and rivers and forests.

Thank you to the earth-- her winds, her waters, her soils and creatures and fires and ices. I have learned profound lessons from you about movement, humanity, emotion, growth, and grounding. I honor you today with my own dance.

Begin freewrite:
"Sun, my love! Welcome. My face smiled at her. Thank you for your return, thank you to the birds for their symphony, this silky jacket, the peaking of grass. This tree carries sorrow, power. I feel shy, timid, I want to give her space and wrap myself in her embrace.
I dance a duet, her strength is shared. I am still cutting through cobwebs of emotional complexity and oooh the bend and off-balance dance of muddy ground helps shake some of it off.
Is it loss or gain of time? time that does sommersaults and laughs at my incomprehensible bewilderment. I choose to accept her, time in her healing insanity. Body, mind, heart, give me solace and salt for my vegetables and I'll try to dance you justice. Try to sink into your folds and hills and feel each grain of soil. Grow something new and nourish my body and your soul."


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